
Breaking away from traditional approaches, Statistics Centre - Abu Dhabi (SCAD) is pioneering an innovative register-based census. This ground-breaking method relies exclusively on administrative data sources, tapping into education systems, housing, and employment registers, etc.

The transition from the traditional census, which has long served decision-making and strategic planning purposes, reflects the pressing need for accurate and timely statistics amidst the Emirate's rapid growth and transformation over the past decade. The register-based census promises substantial benefits, including cost savings, enhanced accuracy, reduced respondent burden, and expedited delivery of census results.

This shift entails fundamental changes in how population data is defined, collected, and utilised. Aligning concepts tailored for the traditional census with data from administrative sources presents challenges in terms of completeness and coverage. Moreover, determining the resident population from registers poses a significant hurdle, as discrepancies among registers can obscure the actual population size.

In response to these challenges, SCAD has devised an innovative solution: the iterative register-based census. This approach employs an index-based methodology, offering a fresh perspective on existing datasets and facilitating comparisons across multiple sources. By meticulously cross-referencing a diverse array of data sources, this method provides a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of demographic trends.

The success of the Abu Dhabi Census 2023 reflects the strong partnership between SCAD and entities from all sectors. Their ongoing commitment is vital for updating statistical records. This enables us to provide regular, comprehensive statistical insights that empower decision-makers and enhance development plans within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
